Outdoor Gear & Apparel
Shopping Alternatives
Community over competition. We’ll keep saying it until everyone else catches up. Although your support goes a long way in helping us continue our operations, we know we’re not the only option out there. We want to share some great alternatives if you can’t find what you’re looking for on the BGC Marketplace, the prices are a bit too steep, or if you’re prioritizing sustainable shopping. See options below to find additional options for your outdoor gear and apparel needs.
BIPOC Outdoor Retailers
for new Gear & Apparel
Although we love and appreciate all the support you share to the BGC Marketplace, we know we may not carry everything you need. For this reason, we want to share some other great Black, Indigenous, and People of Color owned options for you to support online or in person!
Gear Coop - Asian owned
Hatchet Outdoor Supply Co. - Asian owned
Intrinsic Provisions - Black owned
Last Minute Gear - Asian owned
Sekr - Woman of Color & Queer owned
Slim Pickins Outfitters - Black owned
Wheelzup Adventures - Black owned
Thanks to Danica Carey and Paulina Dao of Little Grunts for their work in curating parts of this list.
adaptive/Disability-Friendly platforms
for NEW sports, equipment, and apparel
Move United Sport - Adaptive Sports Suppliers and Resource
How I Roll - Adaptive Sports Equipment
Adaptista - Adaptive and inclusive marketplace with outdoor friendly products
Plus/extended size platforms
for NEW sports & Outdoor apparel
Plus Snow - Plus Size Ski & Snow Apparel Suppliers and Resource
Alpine Curves- Plus Size Outdoor Apparel Supplies & Resource
Sustainable Outdoor Options
for USED Gear & Apparel
At BGC Marketplace, we also know not everyone can or wants to shop new and with issues of climate change and waste continuing to impact our daily lives, it’s important for us to share alternatives to shopping with us.
The Gear Fix - Proceeds from the Gear Up, Give Back Program benefit the Outdoorist Oath non-profit
Isabella’s Outdoor Consignment - Woman owned
Outdoor Gear Rental
Not looking to buy but hoping to rent for the weekend? Look no further than your local gear store or check out this great online directory below!
Gearo - BIPOC & Woman owned (BGC members receive a discount for rentals!)
Mutual Aid Outdoor Gear Efforts
Options to donate or receive free USED & NEW gear and apparel
In order to reduce barriers to accessing expensive and hard to find gear, we also strongly encourage everyone who supports BGC Marketplace, to support these mutual aid efforts to provide free gear to folks who cannot afford it. It’s a great place to find gear if it’s not in your budget and a great place to donate gear if you’re ready to share the love. Efforts prioritize BIPOC, trans, and disabled outdoor community members first.
The Gear Fund Collective - BIPOC & woman run
BIPOC Outdoor Gear Library - BIPOC & woman run
Have other businesses you want to recommend?
Big thanks to Nadia Mercado from Melaninbasecamp for helping compile these options. Read more options for affordable and used gear and apparel options in her two part blog series: Part 1 & Part 2.