Values, TERMS & Definitions
Our goal is for this directory to inspire others to think about where their money goes and also feel inspired to start a business on their own. Below you will find a few definitions of the filters we use on our pages. You may be asking why you chose these filters? Well, we already know that often online directories help us filter out the simple things color, size, brand. We wanted to take a step further and deepen how folks can find items on how they identify and or wanted to support other communities.
As an organization, we recognize that we all define how we get outside and or use nature to connect with ourselves, family, and community. When thinking about ownership of outdoor brands, we often don't see ourselves in this side of the industry. We want to help change that but showcasing the folks who are creating their own. Below we have defined what some terms you may find when searching the “Ownership” category.
Words or identities were developed based on suggestions from outside consultants and research and modified based on feedback. All business owners are provided with a form to self-identify based on shared definitions of terms. Please note, we are still in beta form and welcome feedback.
We use "people of the global majority" (PGM) interchangeably with "Black, Indigenous, and People of Color" (BIPOC), since Black, Indigenous, and People of Color represent over 80% of the world’s population. This wording points out the demographic inaccuracy of the euphemism "minority" and can feel more empowering for some people. (PGMONE)
We recognize the language around POC and BIPOC does fully represent the identities of business owners and consumers. Please read more about how Brown Girls Climb approaches language under our Celebratory & Respectful Community value.
Gender Identity:
A person’s sense of their own gender: (ex. Women, Men, Non-Binary, Gender queer)
We recognize that the language around gender identity does not fully represent the identities of business owners and consumers.
Non-binary (Enby):
This describes folks who identify as having no gender or a gender in between (or beyond) being a man or a woman. It is a diverse category and not every non-binary person may feel this way.
This acronym showcases how folks may define their sexual identity that fall outside the cisgender and heterosexual paradigms. These identities include: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Two-Spirit, Intersex, Asexual, and other identities that may not be listed.
Plus Size/Fat:
This describes the identity of some who has a full figured body. A fuller description of how we define a Plus Size product is shared below.
disability (dobe):
This defines some identity which is a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. Some businesses may also qualify as a Disability- Owned Business Enterprise (DOBE). This is a category for businesses that are created by people who are disabled, have a chronic illness, are Blind or Low Vision, d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing, neurodivergent, or otherwise identify as having a disability.
This describes the identity of folks who, denote or relate to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.
This describes the identities of those who have spent time serving in the military.
This describes someone who may live in the United States but are not US citizens.
Corporate Responsibility
Corporate responsibility means, to us, brands which are making sure that they are not just posting about issues but actually investing and working collaboratively to find in tangible solutions
We understand that no company is perfect and it isn't our role to determine who is the best. Our goal is transparency about whether or not brands are actually investing in the future of our people and our planet. We don't claim to be experts in these categories and strive to improve our own knowledge on this subject. We want to showcase the folks who have demonstrable Environmental and Social impacts in their portfolios. On each brand page you find a list of what the brand has done and are currently doing to uphold their role in helping create change in our community. Below we have defined what Environmental and Social Impact mean to us.
Environmental Impact:
This category means these businesses have demonstrated significant investment in environmental efforts to create more sustainable & eco-friendly products, extending the lifespan of the product, reducing impact of shipping services, or other efforts that support climate change and effects on marginalized communities.
Social Impact:
This category means that these business will share their Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) efforts that aim to support the most vulnerable communities, including women, communities of color, income-challenged communities, disabled, trans, queer, and other populations who are not able to advocate for themselves.
My Fit​
As an organization we recognize not all sizes fits all. Our goal with the My Fit categories is to share the businesses that have created inclusive design efforts, therefore, supporting the following communities: those with disabilities (adaptive/disability-friendly), genderqueer (gender inclusive), Plus Size/Fat/Curvy (Plus Size or extended sizing).
While we recognize some brands may have created stand alone products to support these identities our goal is also to showcase the folks within their communities creating their own businesses and or products. Below you will see how to define each category. We recognize that language changes overtime and will update when needed.
We also showcase brands that may offer adaptive gear or disability-friendly products. Companies should have had intentional consulting or personal knowledge of how this product services a specific disability or, if significant, have received feedback from community members about positive experiences and use of their product.
Gender Inclusive:
This is a category for businesses that have created items that avoids bias towards a particular sex or social gender. Companies should have had intentional consulting or personal knowledge of how this products removes barriers of traditional gendered products or, if significant, have received feedback from community members about positive experiences and use of their product
Example: Women’s or Men’s specific sizing or traditionally feminine or masculine colors
Plus Size
Extended Sizes:
This is a category for businesses that have created plus size apparel or gear. Currently, we define Plus Size as 2X or more. In the future, we may remove plus size all together and only use Extended Sizing which refers to 3X but found that within the outdoor industry, 2X is often not carried as a standard size and therefore are including 2X in this filter.
Size charts are included in all company profiles that carry Plus Size items. (Find them in the photos for each company)
We recognized some brands are in in the midst of extending their sizing and we will update this information as we get it.