Wild Brush
Outdoor gear as beautiful as the places you adventure. Handmade in Utah, this gear is functional, durable, and darn cute. Woman and LGTBQ+ owned and operated.
Lover of dogs, curry, rays of sunshine, and warm dark chocolate chip cookies. Julianne is a climber, biker, runner, and skier who discovered her love for the outdoors in college and has now built her life around being outdoors and designing ethical and sustainable gear for all her favorite outdoor activities.
Due to financial hardship, investment in JEDI initiatives were left out of the business model for 2021. There are future plants to return to investing in JEDI initiatives in 2022, specifically supporting the ethical payment and treatment of factory workers, homeless woman, and Black, Indigenous, and POC artists.
We are in the business of creating sustainable products through mindfully sourcing materials domestically, using post-consumer recycled materials, supporting sustainable businesses, and having carbon neutral shipping. There are also future plans to join 1% for the planet in 2022
All products are gender neutral and inclusive. They're fit and designed for everyone.
All products with straps (hip packs, back packs, bike bags) can be made to fit any body. The premade strap expands to 55 inches but a custom band is offered for free with any product made to fit the user's body measurements comfortably and safely.